Personal skills
Our personal skills training focuses on a number ofessential self-awareness and self-management skills for professionals. Self-awareness – the ability to observe and understand what is going on inside one’s own physical, mental and emotional space – is the starting point. We offer a range of techniques and practices that help foster and grow self-awareness as well as explain its importance. From self-awareness we then move to self-management – the ability to make conscious choices about one’s own behaviour, rather than letting emotions, impulses and patterns rule those behaviours. To help strenghten self-
Interpersonal Skills
In parallel with the personal skills, we encourage professionals to grow their interpersonal skills – the combination of social awareness and social management that allow us to understand others better and adjust our actions around them accordingly. We offer a wide range of modules that help to understand what drives people, especially in work environments, and how one can use that understanding to achieve better outcomes through communication, influence and collaboration.
Team dynamics
Our team dynamics modules are meant for people leading or managing teams. We show how social forces drive and limit the performance and well-being of teams and what can be done to use those forces to produce better outcomes and lasting performance improvements.